
About Us

The Makarios Autism center is a K-6 Christian school for children with autism.

We provide our students with a quality education and provide a valuable support system for their families.

We are a year around school this making it easier for families during the summer months to keep their normal schedules.

Our Story

In today’s world we look at precious metals, jewels and natural resources as our greatest commodities. While we need these things to live here on earth, we forget the greatest gift God has given to us are our children. And what a blessing they are in our lives. A child, in one day, can break our heart one moment and then make us feel like the most special person on earth with the smile and loving words. I was once told by one of my grandchildren, “Pawpaw that the skin tag on your eye makes you look weird but I love you anyway”. The sincerity and innocence in those words are what makes a child, a child!

One early January morning in 2016, God woke me and began to show me His plan for me and my community. Simply put He wanted us to do the following: open an autism center. Plain and simple. As God had told Noah to build a very large boat, He also gave him the blue prints to that plan. Now in that waking moment, God was showing me how I was to achieve this task. His task.

God said to go and purchase the building, hire the best teachers, therapists, and counselors to take care of my children with autism. Never turn one away because of finances. Go find what is needed and supply their needs. My mind went back to
Philippians 4:13," I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." and I stand on that promise from God.

With faith that the Lord would continue to guide me, the MAC center has already broken through many of the barriers set before us. We have found THE building! We applied for non-profit status with the State of Ohio and they granted it quickly! We applied for 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Services and again it was granted quickly! So I say to you, with God being for us who can be against us! The MAC is, officially, an Ohio based, non-profit 501(c)(3), incorporated company in September 2017.

God has laid our foundation. He has us on the path to make this dream a reality for so many families who deal with the daily demands of having a child with autism. At the MAC, we strive to make this a hub for learning. We want to meet every child’s educational, physical, medical and spiritual needs. With our faith based curriculum and our carefully selected, highly qualified staff including teachers, an intervention specialist, a therapist, and a counselor, we will give these children the skills they need as they grow into adults.

For the families of these children, we also wish to remove the financial burden. We have financial aid counselors who will help you every step of the way. The MAC will not turn any family in need away!

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